5 Common UX Blunders That Can Kill Your Website & Their Respective Solutions

Having a website and an online presence strategy allows you to market your business effectively. A website helps you to establish the credibility of your brand among users. An ideal website is a potent mix of stunning visuals, well thought out user experience and killer content. In order to build a user-centric website, it's mandatory to develop an important user experience design. But most of the websites are not capable to perform well enough to please the users. The main reason behind this failure is poor UI / UX design of the sites. In this blog, let's explore the most common five UX blunders that can kill your website and their respective solutions.

1. Not Defining Your Target Audience Clearly: You have to explicitly define who is your target audience for whom you are developing the website. Understanding the specific needs of your users is important in order to provide them with a pleasant experience. If users will not find what they want easily they will definitely search for other options. You should properly define your target audience so that your UX design team can develop the website in accordance with your specific requirements of target users.

Solution :

Create Realistic User Personas: With the help of your UX design team, you should do an intense research on who are your end users, what are their behaviors, needs, and expectations. Condense the whole research and look for common characteristics or patterns. Form groups on the basis of this research, and create realistic user personas which will help your UX design team to develop the best UI / UX for your next website.

2. Not Incorporating The Real Content: Using dummy text or lorem ipsum is yet another point which has a negative impact on your users. Everything on the internet mostly boils down to content consumption and since using dummy text on your website is not a good idea. Dummy text looks similar to the real text, but it has no meaning. It makes your design hard to refer to and users will find it difficult to visualize the actual product which you are offering.


Research & Incorporate Real Content: You should ask your UX design team to perform a thorough research of your domain and learn the terminology used. Always incorporated real content that your users actually want to see. Set specific strategy and tone for all your website pages and get it reviewed by a professional content writing team. Real content will help you to test your designs with the users effectively.

3. Not Conducting User Testing: Best websites are not built-in one day. It is obvious that you will like the products your UX design team will come up with. But it is not recommended to accept them as it is because even good designs fail. It is quite possible that the design is not working the way you expect it to. Your layout might not realize the goals you have set out to achieve.


Conduct Thorough User Testing: Always instruct your UX design team to conduct user testing so that you can get an idea of ​​how users respond to your design and observe their behavior. You can discover the problems your users are facing while interacting with your website and ask your UX team to resolve those issues. With testing, you can examine whether your design has the intended effect on your users.

4. Not Providing Relevant Information: Bombarding your users with a lot of irrelevant information can frustrate and confuse them. It is crucial for you to incorporate only what is relevant for your users. All the users who come to your website are at different languages ​​of their user journeys and probably seeking different information. This fact makes it significant for you to offer your users only the required information and eliminate all the unwanted data.


Create User Journeys: As a website owner, it is your prime responsibility to help your users to easily find the information they need. For this purpose, you have to encourage your UX design team to develop user journeys on the basis of the user personas which you have created earlier. You have to help your team in figuring out what scenarios the users might encounter and what information would be needed in those situations. User journeys can let you work out how users are going to interact with your website and what exactly they want from it.

5. Not Systematizing Information: If a user finds it difficult to navigate through your website smoothly, they might immediately look for other alternatives. It is very crucial for you to organize all the content on your website in a proper way so that users can easily navigate through in order to easily find the information they need. Badly structured content hampers discovery and hence makes your website useless.


Develop Well-Organized Information Architecture: You have to cleverly prioritize the major features of your website and develop a smooth navigation. Instruct your UX design team to make your website as user-friendly as possible. Make it easy for your users to find what they need with the help of providing them with a clear navigation. Evaluate what information can be grouped and how it can be structured in a better way so that it has a positive impact on your users. Clear information hierarchy plays a critical role in the success of your website.

These are some basic errors that can deter your users from visiting your website altogether. You can easily avoid these blunders by implementing the given solutions. If you want to build a simple yet effective user interface design for your website, contact a competent UI and UX Design Agency with a wealth of crafting exceptional user experiences.

Source by Anubhuti Shrivastava


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