Website & Digital Marketing

Major Mobile App Budgeting Mistakes

When you start to strategize for an App development, you have to take many things into consideration and App budgeting…

6 years ago

Why Is Front-End Web Development Important for Businesses?

The era of the World Wide Web had begun in the late 90s, and now it has reached the point…

6 years ago

Difference Between Java and WordPress

Java and WordPress are very much different, this is an attempt to compare and see where they intersect each other.JavaJava…

6 years ago

How to Grow Your Business Through Effective Web Design And Development

In this highly competitive business environment, where companies look to edge past their competitors by creating a network of customers…

6 years ago

Complete R6025 “Pure Virtual Function Call” Error Fix – Working Tutorial

The "r6025" error is a problem caused by the actual functions that your software has been designed to use, and…

6 years ago

Technology – Need of the Hour

The technological innovation has always provided the humanity with the sudden advancement that has always served as the path for…

6 years ago

Sun Solaris 10 – How to Setup a SAMP Server + VSFTP + Phpmyadmin (Solaris Apache2 Mysql5 Php5)

INTRODUCTION This tutorial assumes you have some basic knowledge of how to use Unix and / or Linux and you…

6 years ago

Configure Exchange E-Mail Server Reverse DNS and MX Records Correctly

If DNS is setup incorrectly, over time your mail server IP will be added to blacklists. Nowadays most E-Mail servers…

6 years ago

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Installing a Custom Rom On Your Android Phone

WHAT IS A ROM?R-O-M stands for Read Only Memory. ROM is an operating system which runs your droid and is…

6 years ago

The HRIS Implementation Project

CONTENTSIntroduction a) The Project Manager b) The Project Team c) The Project Plan d) Project Plan Elements:1) Cleanse Data 2)…

6 years ago