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Highly Sharable Posts Key to Social Marketing in 2014!

We all know that social media marketing and internet marketing are two of the same as far as brand building and sharing goes. Creating a website, establishing a brand, building social media accounts to connect with a larger audience, is all marketing no matter what you call it. Here we take a look at some tips on not just sharing socially, but how to do it right and make viewers want to share your posts, videos, and articles.

Facebook is the Top Visited Social Network:

Most of the awesome Facebook posts or Ads that show up on our walls daily only excel at stimulating two types of reactions. You either want to click on the ad or ignore it. Whether you are creating a Facebook ad for yourself simply to promote a book or CD or you are working on behalf of a company want to target a larger audience and funnel more traffic to a website, the idea is the same.

Keep it Simple:

Keep it simple and go for one main type of reaction with each new Facebook Ad or post. If you get lots of click-throughs that is a bonus. Even if you have posted hundreds of times or put together many Facebook Ads, that doesn’t mean the next one will be successful.Sometimes it seems the harder you try, the less views or clicks you will get. There is science behind Facebook Ads or Google AdSense Ads for that matter, but no doubt a lot of luck and testing involved.

There is no magic potion to get Facebook viewers to click on your Ad. One thing is for sure, the more you post, the more experience you will get. Eventually it will become easier and you will begin to see your success rate go up.

Highly Sharable Posts:

What people really want to do is share! If a post, a joke, or video hits them in a funny or special way, then they will want to share it on Facebook.

Sharable and often viral posts do one of the following:

  1. GIVE-AWAYS: They give away some type of discount, offer, coupon, eBook or contest that everyone wants to take part in.
  2. ADVISORY TIPS: Ads or posts about tips, trade secrets, or problems that we can all identify with, are very sharable, like where to win a free car, or get free Facebook Fans
  3. WARNINGS: Anything that heightens our senses and warns about danger are usually very popular on Facebook.
  4. AMUSING: Some of the funniest videos, pictures or quotes are very sharable as long as they are in good taste and not too offensive to any religion, sect, or person in general. Make sure it appeals to a broad audience and has mass appeal, so keep it funny but light.
  5. INSPIRING: Quotes that are inspirational can be the best way to make people feel good inside. They will then most likely want to share any post that has personal insight, a metaphor, or real meaning.
  6. AMAZING: Pictures, videos and amazing facts are highly sharable. As soon as you look at an amazing video and you notice the “WOW” factor, the reach for the share button.

Source by William T Mills


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