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Social Media Marketing Rules Of Engagement

Social media marketing can be a powerful tool for those that have the knowledge on how to use it effectively. It can also be your worst enemy if you do not know how to engage your marketing with social media.

There are four basic steps to follow when engaging and marketing with social media in places like Facebook, Twitter and many more social gathering sites. Following this simple four-step procedure could make you a fortune and keep you from stepping into forbidden territory.

Like: Before you can start offering whatever it is that you are marketing to anyone on social media sites you must first cause them to like you. Interaction with people and showing interest in them and talking about them and what they do will cause them to think that you are an interesting person, even though you have not told them much about yourself. People love to talk about themselves and what they are involved in or what they do. Letting them do so will generate good feelings toward you and cause them to take a liking to you. It is similar to a salesperson building rapport with their prospect in a selling situation. An automobile sales trainer gave the best definition of a sales person that I have ever heard to me by the name of Jackie Cooper. His definition of a sales person is “One who can cause another or others to feel, think and act in a predetermined manner.” Is that not what we are attempting to do when we are marketing our businesses or opportunities to people in social media sites like Facebook?

Listen: Once you have caused someone to feel, think and act on liking you it makes sense then for them to listen to what you have to say providing that what you have to say is interesting and beneficial to them. Nobody will listen to anyone for long if you are not offering something of interest or something that will benefit the one you are talking with. Your success in getting them to listen to you is determined by whether or not they like you and by how interested they are in what you have to talk to them about. So make sure you do your homework and know whether the person that you are talking to would even be interested in what you have to offer in the first place. It would be hard to get someone to listen to your opportunity for unique ice cycles if that person lives in the North Pole, or get someone interested in nice juicy steak if that person is a vegetarian. So do your homework and make sure you are talking to the right prospect for your topic.

Believe: Now that you have them liking you and listening to you, your job is to get them to believe in you. At this point, you had better know what you are talking about or you will lose them. If you are marketing a product then you had better know your product inside out and upside down. If you are marketing an opportunity then you had better know that opportunity inside out and upside down. People do not like to be pitched on something that you do not know enough about to give them a good presentation. If you are knowledgeable about your product and or opportunity then you will be able to give a believable presentation and position yourself as a leader in your field. People like doing business with leaders and professionals because it makes them feel confident in their decision to do business with you.

Buy: This is the last of the rules of engagement because this is the desired result from the Like, Listen and Believe process. It is at this point, where you have earned the right to ask for the business. If you have performed all the previous steps properly then you should have a customer or at least a good prospect for your offer. If you have positioned yourself properly and the prospect liked you, listened to you and believed you, then you have been successful in social media marketing. Whether or not they do business with you will depend on how well you caused them to feel, think and act in a predetermined manner.

I know that there are more rules for engaging in social media marketing but these four basic steps will keep you from coming on like a spammer or an amateur and they are really easy to remember, Like, Listen, Believe and Buy.

Great success to you and God bless!

Source by Jack L Dean


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