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What Are The Main Problems For Affiliate Marketers?

What’s at stake for affiliate marketers is the ability to work for themselves, quit their jobs and earn, potentially, a huge amount of money. But this all doesn’t come easily. There’s a few problems which present themselves to affiliates who are serious about making a full-time living from the internet.

One of the first of these is knowing who to trust. There’s many so-called get rich quick schemes, which surprisingly enough, don’t get you rich quick. Quite the contrary, they quickly remove your cash. The programs which offer quick riches don’t last long. But they’re a good source of income for their owners!

The next problems you’ll definitely face if you’re starting an internet business using affiliate marketing is that of belief. All your friends and family are likely to discredit it as an impossible dream. There a couple of reasons why they’ll do this. One is that most people shun a new idea like the plague. The other is that, if it’s possible to earn money from the internet, they face the possible repercussions of not having taken any action. Facing the fact that they would also have to do something if it were true, is not so easy.

Most people would rather complain about their own situation, rather than taking action, even if they are not happy. The general consensus is that you need to work in a job in order to be a relevant member of society. Swimming against the tide can be tiring too. If your friends and family aren’t behind you, it’s even more difficult, even if they don’t actually say anything outright, there’s a subtle dissuasion tactic going on and they may secretly hope you’ll fail. Then they can be right in the end!

If all this isn’t enough to dissuade your from building your own internet business, there’s the technical aspect of building a legitimate online business. This requires patience and trust. If you don’t have both of these, you’ll probably give up too early. You can’t expect to suddenly be making money based on a little work. It takes time and effort. You don’t ‘deserve’ anything in terms of results until you’ve actually earned it! So an entitlement attitude can work against you. This is especially true if you’re coming from an employee mindset.

If you’ve been an employee, but not a business owner, it’s difficult to change your focus from that of a ‘worker bee’. Workers in a job role get paid no matter what they accomplish. Owners of a business get nothing unless they can make it work. It’s a performance related pay, rather than a monthly wage.

Shiny object syndrome was another barrier to my success in the early days too. There’s so many courses offering instant results out there, why would you stick with something which takes time? Because it’s more genuine than the shiny new one which promises but never delivers!

I jumped around many times from course to course, following to the letter the instructions to build an income online. Time after time I was disappointed. I got accounts shut down, my results dropped off Google, my products didn’t sell and I wanted to throw my laptop through the window on countless occasions.

These are just a few of the problems you’ll face as an affiliate marketer. Depending on the route you take, you might also be limited by funds too. I found many cheaper courses back when I had huge debt and not a penny to my name. I concentrated on free tactics. They were much slower than paid advertising and I was always frustrated by my results. If I had found a good mentor back then, I would have saved a whole heap of time.

Not knowing which direction to paddle as an affiliate marketer is probably the biggest challenge. I must had paddled in the wrong direction for years. I tried everything. Over time though, and if you stick with it for long enough, you’ll start seeing some results. They won’t be huge, but they are the light at the end of the tunnel.

Watch out for the results. One you see them, you can back track to what you did to achieve them. Then, concentrate on those activities and drop the others which produce nothing.

It’s a long road to affiliate marketing success. I haven’t arrived yet but I’m much further along than I was. Finding the right people and training is probably the best tip I can give. Without the right direction, you are aimless as an affiliate and you’ll probably give up, thinking that ‘it’ doesn’t work.

But with the right attitude, direction and guidance, you can make affiliate marketing work for you and create a full-time income from it. Keep focusing on your “why?”

My “why” kept me going through all the problems I found in my journey as an affiliate marketer. Nowhere else can you earn the kind of money affiliates earn and have a lifestyle which you can choose. But it definitely isn’t easy. If you’re looking for the ‘quick buck’, I wouldn’t bother with affiliate marketing!

But it can work if you do and if you’re prepared to trust the process and keep going for the duration. Good luck!

Source by Tim Halloran


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