Your Information and Marketer’s GOAL

As a consumer you leave your footsteps on all the platforms that you use. And this is the data which helps marketer’s to develop intelligent REACH to CONSUMERS.

With Machine Learning, a marketer can harness insights from the huge consumer data, they can segment and develop personalized campaigns. With the detailed study of the data a marketer can identify the buying patterns, purchase cycle, area of purchase, customer likings. With this information you can develop your advertisements targeted to a group of consumers.

Suppose you want to buy a flat in your locality and you made a search in Google and realize that when you login to your Facebook, Google+, WhatsApp, YahooMail and all other online platforms you start receiving advertisements of the local real estate projects matching your needs. This is Data Science and Marketing bundled together.

For example, e-commerce websites use social data, purchase profile, web activity and browsing history, and interests to give customers a selected products they are likely to purchase.

Your location, current and immediate interest, age group, income section can help marketer to identify suitable products to offer a consumer and connecting with the consumer digital with their likely interest can help the consumer and the brand.

Offline and Online business’s are merging day by day. You can’t exist by just being offline and being online can fetch initial gains but long term you are nowhere.

Its important now to have online presence and become a name in the people’s mind else your business might find difficulties in future.

Offline Marketing – hoardings, pamphlet distribution, door to door campaigning. Its effective but the COST is VERY HIGH. Its doesn’t mean we shouldn’t rely on offline marketing. Basically we need to do a HYBRID, Offline and Online marketing MIX to have the maximum impact on the customer’s mind. And you need to just continue else memories gets wiped off very soon.

Online Marketing – Its impactful at very LOW COST compared to Offline.

Utilize the power of the data that exists today and make use of it digitally to reach out to your customers and market your products based on several parameters possible.

A marketer can develop effective algorithm to process the consumer data and identify the possibilities and influence the outcome.

Brands and marketers to explore innovative ways to acquire and connect with the customers to make their purchase journey interesting and memorable. Organisations that continue to innovate to connect with the customers are the ones likely to thrive in the digital world.

May be we can help?

DigiSciFi is a company specialized in Digital Marketing, Website Development, Data Science approach for Marketing to increase customer engagement.

Connect with us – we might be able to change your Marketing Perspective completely.

Director – DigiSciFi

A Software Company providing solutions in Digital Marketing with Data Science Intelligence, Website Development, Software Testing, Performance Engineering and CRM Consulting.

Source by Mahalakshmi H R

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