Affiliate Marketing Ebook Scams – Why You Should Do Your Research First

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to make money online and has many great benefits. You don’t need your own product, you don’t have to deal with shipping or customer service and you can promote just about anything that you are interested in. It can be difficult to find good information to learn how you should proceed when you are getting started with affiliate marketing. Many people decide to learn by buying an affiliate marketing ebook. However, before you jump in and buy an affiliate marketing ebook there are several things that you should keep in mind that can help you to avoid the scams and get the quality information that you need.

Many affiliate marketing ebooks are not all they are cracked up to be. Whether the author is purposely trying to scam you or whether they just aren’t putting out a quality product depends on the ebook in question. There are a lot of reasons that these ebooks often don’t live up to your hype.

One of the most common problems is that the affiliate marketing ebook was written by someone who is new to affiliate marketing themselves. Here’s what happens. Someone buys one of these ebooks when they are trying to learn affiliate marketing. They apply the techniques in the ebook but don’t have any luck with them. However, they see an opportunity to make money by writing an ebook based on the one that they just purchased and selling it to other people who are just starting out. After all, someone got them to buy the book in the first place so they figure they can get other people to buy their book with the same concepts in it as well.

The problem with this is that not only does the person writing the new ebook not have any of their own success to draw from in writing the book, but they are just rehashing the same ideas from the book that they purchased that didn’t work for them. That means that you are getting bad advice from a newbie, which isn’t going to help you much.

The other thing that commonly happens is that someone who writes an affiliate marketing ebook will purposely only give you part of the picture. The reason behind this is that they want to be able to sell to you again and again each time they come out with a new ebook or product. Think about it – if they taught you everything you need the first time you bought from them they would never be able to sell to you again. However, if they only teach you part of what you need (enough to see some success and to give you hope) then they can sell to you again and again. You become like their own personal cash machine.

Finally, many ebook authors will write a book based on techniques that used to work but that are a bit outdated or are on the downhill slide. When the technique is new and fresh they keep it to themselves. When they start to see its effectiveness decreasing then they write an ebook about the technique to make more money off it. They don’t mind giving away the “secret” because it doesn’t work anymore.

I often think that if most of these ebook authors spent half as much time writing their books as they did writing the sales page for their books there would be a whole lot more good affiliate marketing ebooks in the world!

Source by Sandy Curtis

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