Beware of the Self-Proclaimed Social Media Expert!

Recently, my colleague, Brian Rice of B2C Marketing Insider sent me an interesting yet slightly disturbing video and some of this is has actually been my experience.

My marketing experience began in database marketing/CRM in which heavy emphasis is placed on demographic analysis and performance marketing. A couple of years ago, I became interested in doing social media after seeing a couple of presentations. I even made the mistake of reaching out to a couple of so-called experts and they gave me the same kind of run around – professing they are Gods and experts.

Most people do not know that database marketing/CRM requires a technical and research-oriented background. Having these skills along with building a strong network of resources (open minded folks); I was able to move at a steep learning curve and later learned that the so called experts were actually Charlatans.

And they are fairly easy to spot –

  • Claim to be experts in person and sometimes online

  • They are not found in search engines

  • Claim they have many clients

  • Very few Twitter followers

  • Twitter background is not customized

  • Defensive about different social media strategies

  • Try to put you down

  • Insecure

  • Not on LinkedIn!

My point is that whether in social media or any other field, try to have an open mind and do not make claims that you can’t back up. Business has become a lot more results and reputation management driven. Don’t ruin it for yourself by alienating potential friends. Six degrees of separation has now become two.

Here is that disturbing video. Click here to watch.

Source by Deepak K Gupta

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