
Making Heavenly Matches Online – Anupam Mittal

[ad_1] Synopsis - One of the greatest barriers and Mittal faced were cultural. People would often raise questions like "Why should we go online to find a suitable mate?"…

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Top 7 Home Business ideas

[ad_1] If you’ve spent any time researching on the internet, you’ll have found hundreds of ideas for businesses to start from home. How do you find out which ones are…

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Top 5 Ways to Overcome Entrepreneur Imposter Syndrome

[ad_1] It is often said that perception is the only reality. Perception is not actual data. It's a belief based upon a world-view that is likely not entirely factual. Many…

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Sushi Restaurant – An Easy and Profitable Business to Start

[ad_1] If you are a business minded individual, then this is probably one of the best suitable businesses for you to engage on. All you need is a simple background,…

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How To Build And Run A Perfect Startup Team

[ad_1] One of the main tasks of a leader, a founder of a business, a startup CEO, is to form a dream team that will be able to keep the…

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6 Solid Opportunities for Startups in 2016

[ad_1] According to Thomas Oppong of, there are a few emerging trends ahead for startups in 2016. He predicts that in the coming year a few waves will come…

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What Makes Silicon Valley So Special?

[ad_1] Buzzing with inspiring, addictive ideas and daring entrepreneurs; Silicon Valley boasts of a unique risk capital, risk employment, celebrate success, learn from failure and idolizing entrepreneurs as heroes' cultureIn…

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Ways to Raise Venture Capital to Start a New Business

[ad_1] Centuries back there was a time when people used to exchange goods for their livelihood and there was no money to buy things, known by the name of, "Barter…

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No More Excuses for Small Business Owners for Not Growing Their Businesses

[ad_1] When talking about business related issues, solutions, and technologies, you will almost always group businesses as small and large. While the separation is there, it won't be wrong to…

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Management Consulting Firms – A Friend In Need For Startup Companies

[ad_1] Experience is gained through hard work and perseverance. No one arrives in this world with prior knowledge and understanding. An apprentice, by tenacity and dedication becomes an expert. In…

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