Digital Marketing

Different Kinds of Digital Marketing

[ad_1] Digital marketing is advertising that is well delivered using digital channels like mobile apps, email, social media, and websites and search engines. There is a very wide range of…

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The Fiesta Movement: A Case Study in Social Media Marketing. Introducing the Ford Fiesta

[ad_1] The Fiesta Movement: How to create a "Conversation" among "Friends"Most people adopt brands that their friends recommend. To create strong brands an organization must have a conversation with their…

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Make the most out of Google Places and Google+ Business Page

[ad_1] We all knew it was coming; we all knew ever Google will certainly do it, and they finally have done it. Google Places pages are now converted into Google+…

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Vs Traditional Advertising

[ad_1] Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of web advertising and it is quite different from traditional form of advertising. The purpose of SEM is global while traditional advertising…

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How Is Google Search Changing Us?

[ad_1] Typing in Google and searching for stuff has never been easier. Have you ever wondered how it is changing us? Read on for insights.For instance, we want to look…

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Introducing Google Concept

[ad_1] What is Google Concept?Google Concept is a software tool that combines the Google search engine with a mind-mapping application.Mind mapping, otherwise also known as concept mapping, is a method…

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Since I Have Great Search Rankings, Can I Stop Doing SEO?

[ad_1] Let's say your business has committed to SEO online marketing by working with a specialist SEO (search engine optimisation) agency and delegating specific strategies to be done in-house. The…

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SEO Myths – What to Believe and Not To Believe When It Comes to Your SEO Campaign

[ad_1] SEO, search engine optimization, is one of the things that can make a businessperson cringe, whether you own your own company or you are the director of a large…

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Wealthy Affiliate – Pyramid to Riches

[ad_1] If you've clicked on this review you're one of the thousands considering becoming a Wealthy Affiliate affiliate. It is also known by the none too presumptuous title of the…

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Improving Your Persuasive Skills – Establishing Credibility

[ad_1] A lot of affiliate marketing persuaders do their best to improve their persuasive skills so that they can get what they want easily. I'm going to help you improve…

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