Digital Marketing

Introducing Google Concept

[ad_1] What is Google Concept?Google Concept is a software tool that combines the Google search engine with a mind-mapping application.Mind mapping, otherwise also known as concept mapping, is a method…

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Free AFP Viewers Download

[ad_1] The AFP format - short for Advanced Function Presentation (Printing) - was developed by IBM in 1984 for High speed, high volume, production digital printing, from mainframes. This print…

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What is a Backward Link and How to Get Them?

[ad_1] To make sure your website is a success you need to understand backward links and the link popularity process.What is a backward link?A backward link is a link from…

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The World’s Oldest Profession – Don’t Believe The Old Adage – Prostitution Isn’t The 1st Occupation!

[ad_1] It is important to know that selling is not only a profession but the greatest of professions. And, in reality, is also the oldest.Before there were dedicated farmers, those…

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The 3 Roles Social Media Plays in SEO

[ad_1] SEO is about growing organically, and to develop an effective, organic online marketing plan, it's important to not only look at SEO, but content marketing and social media, too.The…

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Reasons for Need of ISO 14001 Certification in Organizations

[ad_1] As we are already witnessing the sudden transformation in the climate due to environment changes on earth. There was already an urgent need of the strict parameters which follows…

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4 Practical Benefits Of Using An SEO Expert

[ad_1] An online presence is essential for any modern business that wants to get noticed. In addition to having a well-designed website that has high-quality and engaging content, the website…

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8 SEO Facts That All Digital Marketers Should Know

[ad_1] Search Engine Optimization is a very crucial part of digital marketing. Here are some Search Engine Facts which a digital marketer must know. These SEO Facts 2018 can really…

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SEO Factors and Its Impact on Digital Marketing Strategies in 2018

[ad_1] As you would be aware, Google is constantly evolving their search ranking algorithms every year.In 2017 - Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) emerged.In 2018, many new trends are emerging,…

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Long-Tail Vs. Short-Tail Keywords: Pros and Cons

[ad_1] Most businesses that are not well-versed in SEO still understand the basics of keywords. Most companies use broad keywords or short-tail keywords in their Internet marketing strategies. But many…

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