KOI – Keyword Opportunity Index

So how does this equation work?

Well firstly for this equation there are two figures we need to work out, the amount of people directly competing for it and the amount of monthly searches. From these two figures we can start to build our keyword opportunity index (KOI) equation and work out which keywords are likely to succeed.

Directly Competing

We can work this out from going on Google and typing allinanchor: keyword example. This will tell us in the top right corner how many People have links anchoring the phrase we are optimising for.

Monthly Searches

This is the amount of people searching for the keyword a month, you can find this out by using the Google AdWords Keyword tool. This will then give you the amount of times the phrase gets searched for on average a month.

The KOI Equation

Monthly Searches Figure x Monthly Searches Figure / Directly Competing Figure = KOI

So for example if the monthly search figure was 201,000 and the directly competing figure was 40, 500, 000 we would square the monthly search figure (201, 000 x 201, 000) which gives us 40, 401,000, 000 we then need to divide this by the amount of direct competition so 40, 401,000, 000 / 40, 500, 000 which gives us our KOI which is 997.555556.

The Idea behind this is the higher the KOI the better the keyword.

Why Use KOI?

KOI offers a measurable scale, which takes into account the keywords popularity and the competition surrounding it. By taking these figures into account you are able to choose keyword, which are hugely popular but have little competition. It offers you the opportunity a keyword has of success.

Source by Sam J Logan

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