Want to Optimise Your Website Rank? Get These 5 Easy Tricks

Most sites owners are aware of “SEO” and appointing digital marketers to get their websites scale up to a higher place in the general search engines. The main idea is to put relevance on the ‘keywords’ optimisation and emphasise on the search engine algorithms. Search engine algorithms determine the importance of keywords on the different pages, and on the metadata according to the search pattern of the users. While getting more and more users to the website and help them interact with the content laid on it is the main motive of SEO, it also boosts up the ranking by improvising the usability and user experience of the site.

In the section below, there is explained some easy and effective ways to increase the ranking of your site, enhance visibility and get more people to click through it.

#1 Optimising the website’s URLs

URLs are a kind of underrated asset for the pages of a website. They add value to the keywords. When one types different keywords, the URL comes as a part of the impression/ad that appears in the search results. Thus, you can have users directly clicking on the link to visit your site from those ads. So, try optimising the URLs, i.e. make it short, relevant and stuff it with important keywords such that people get to click on your web page’s link as it appears.

#2 Working on the site structure and categories

Google indexes the site of a website based on how the content is placed. It looks for the site structure and apparently, the categories where content is relevant to the search terms get ranked in a higher position. Thus, you need to name your categories or subcategories using the most relevant keywords that will help you rank better.

#3 Optimising the titles of the page

Do not forget to consider the page titles. The title is a significant element on the page and is perhaps the longest-serving and impactful on-page SEO factor. It thrusts a balance between the SEO and readability of the website. For optimising the titles, you need to restrict the title length to 55-65 characters, as Google can show up to 69 characters on the results. Secondly, try stuffing it with most related keywords or catchy words or words that are most typed so that your page appears every time on the search results.

#4 Keeping page descriptions good and short

Page descriptions too important for SEO as it is likely to impact CTR (Click Through Rate). Even if they do not have any direct influence over the search engine rankings, they have a huge impact on the amount of traffic that flows into a site. Thus, you need to be sure that your ad that appears on the search engines is well presented and optimised to grab major attention for CTR.

#5 Using of Header tags

The proper use of the header tags will help you rank better as it breaks up the content into separate sections, thereby increasing the readability. Well formatted content always wins when Google indexes web pages. More the readability, more will be the users coming back to the site. This will resultantly signal your site’s relevancy in the search engines more.

Apart from the above, other aspects that should be cared for SEO are images optimisation, content optimisation, page loading speed and finally, mobile optimisation. However, according to web development experts, first keep your basics right. Eventually, you will get ample of scopes to improve search engine visibility of your website.

Source by Rob Stephen

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