Do You Want Content Marketing or Social Media Marketing?

Though Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing are relatively new terms, they’re virtually inseparable. Except perhaps for Twitter with its 140-character limitation, serious social media marketing programs – those consisting of more than 140 characters – generally require the skills of a professional content writer. Why? Because depending on the media they’re writing for, professional content writers are best able to weigh, balance and select the most effective words to use where and how.

A notable distinction between social media marketing and content marketing is the media options available to each. Social media marketing is somewhat limited by whatever media are currently available. While those options continue to increase, the most effective media remain limited in number, basically Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and, to a lesser degree, a half-dozen others. Content marketing, on the other hand, results in companies or their brands becoming and producing their own media – their blogs, their videos, their e- and conventional newsletters, their websites.

Whatever the media, the text of both serious social and traditional marketing efforts requires an effective tone, a consistent voice, plus the appropriate motivation that results in a well-crafted call-to-action. In short, selecting just those right words doesn’t happen automatically, easily, or for everyone. At times difficult even for professional content writers.

Professionally written content is particularly important when it comes to developing websites and blogs. Do I have a horse in this race? you ask. As a professional copywriter – a content provider – I do, indeed. But I’m not saying “Hire me.” The point of this discussion is this: If there’s a problem with their car, most people visit a mechanic, a professional at fixing cars. If they have a tooth ache, most people won’t practice do-it-yourself dentistry. They’ll reply on a dentist, a professional to repair the bad tooth. Need words – marketing content – for a sales letter, direct mail package, print ad, brochure, website or blog? Hire a professional content writer, even if only on a project basis.

Long-form marketing efforts – those that require more than a minute or two to read, watch, listen to or read, including eBooks – are best created by professional content writers, whether on staff or as outside service providers. Unlike the dual objectives of social marketing – building brand awareness along with customer retention and satisfaction – content marketing is more focused on creating demand, on making the sale, on generating revenue.

Will companies benefit more from social media marketing than content marketing? Much will depend on the company and its marketing goals, but the judicious use of both is certain to be the most effective choice.

Source by Phil Grisolia

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