Easy Updates That Make Your Website More Interesting to Visitors

The year is coming to a close but there’s still time to ramp up your website and provide new, useful content for your site visitors and search engines alike. Need help getting started? Here are 5 things you can add right now.

  1. New Products/Services – If it’s been awhile since your last website update, chances are you might have some new products or services that you’re offering. Find out the right keywords to use to describe these items and get them on your site pronto! If you don’t tell people you have the product or service they are looking for, how will they ever know? And, if you no longer offer a product or service, make sure you remove it. There’s nothing worse than upsetting a customer who is trying to buy something that you no longer offer.
  2. Case Studies – Sometimes the best way to sell someone on your company is to show them an example of how you helped one of their peers solve a problem. Case studies are a great way to do this. You don’t have to give away all the details but share enough to demonstrate your expertise. It can go a long way to helping you make the sale.
  3. Testimonials – Did someone send you an e-mail with a compliment about your company? Or did they perhaps take the time to call you to thank you for your hard work, dedication or superior product or service? If so, leverage this! Ask their permission to post the testimonial on your site and then do it. When someone is searching for a new company to do business with, seeing a positive testimonial can really help.
  4. FAQs – Chances are you get a lot of the same questions over and over about your products and services. While you should absolutely address those questions when someone takes the time to ask you, you can also use these questions to build helpful content on your site. Not only will you demonstrate your expertise, you will also give potential customers some of the information they are looking for without them having to make any effort. Less effort = happier customers. After all, they are just as busy as you are!
  5. Glossaries – Does your business use a lot of industry-specific terms? Or, are there multiple ways to describe the same thing? A glossary can help bridge the gaps on these different meanings and at the same time build helpful, keyword-rich content for your site. Even if there are just a few terms that can cause some confusion or need some explanation, it’s worth making the effort to put the definitions and descriptions on your site.

Need more help? A search engine optimization firm can help you make the right choices for your site.

Source by Leanne Wicks

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