Facebook Marketing for Beginners

There are many online marketplaces that you can use or download today that can help double your sales. However, since Facebook holds the title for the most visited website and downloaded app in most countries, if not all, and you might want to take advantage of its power to connect to people from all walks of life.

If you plan to market your products or services on Facebook, the first thing that you need to work on is to identify your target market based on locations, ages, and interests. Next is to create a Facebook page for your business. You can request for a web address to make your page discoverable by keywords.

Next is to upload engaging photos and captions. Entice your audience with eye-catching photos like they can speak and market themselves for you. You may write the product info on the caption or like what most advertisers do, include a link to your website wherein they can read the full details.

Other than photos, you can also upload a video or share a YouTube link. This social marketing strategy has proven to be effective in getting high engagement rates. Always remember that poorly edited photos might not likely to get interactions (likes, comments, and shares), which limit your posts to their reach capacities.

You can effectively increase the activities on your contents by running a Caption Contest where people need to interact or respond to your posts. In addition, you can get more traffic by offering time-sensitive discounts and promotions. Post your promotion ads a week or two before the promotion date. Give your audience time to see your post, but don’t make it a long wait as they might lose their interest. These will also help you gain followers that will surely visit your Facebook page from time to time.

Another helpful social media marketing tip is to create Facebook events where you can invite people to participate. Events may be in the form of products or sample service testing, book signing, or a webinar.

You may also want to avail Facebook posts and pages promotion. To effectively boost your Facebook business page, use the advanced targeting options by narrowing down the categories and adding more keywords. Facebook paid marketing is only optional.

Like the traditional way of marketing, online Facebook promotion also requires intensive management. Post ads regularly and consistently, yet moderately. Keep them updated but do not flood your followers’ feed.

Source by S. Sol Cruz

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