How to Restore Your Website’s Rankings After the Panda Update

If you have already been hit by the effects of the Google Panda Update, then you probably have been searching ways to recover since a while ago. However, most SEO experts are giving different opinions on the ways of repairing the fault that caused your website to be punished by the Panda penalty, so you will have a hard time choosing the right one.

So, how can you choose the best method for your website to recover from the Panda Update effects? Some will say it is best to invest in tons of content while others will suggest keeping things unchanged and waiting for other alterations of Google’s search and ranking algorithm. However, neither way is completely safe and reliable. However, by looking at the roots of the Panda Update, we can clearly see why did it affect certain websites and didn’t affect others, and most importantly, we will be able to deduce the proper actions needed for recovering from the penalty.

First of all, every webmaster must understand that the Panda technology was aimed on countering low-quality content and thin websites. In other words, if your website dropped in rankings after the Panda Update, it was sure because of its low-quality content or on the fact that the website or blog was thin, meaning that there was less to no informative content available for the reader.

Those being said, it is pretty clear what a webmaster or web marketer must do in order to start the recovery process of his online platform: work with content, and develop quality instead of quantity. Otherwise being said, it is time to stop wasting time with techniques and thoughts regarding high amounts of articles, and instead to focus on the quality of the articles; Google wants you to write for people, and not for machines, robots or crawlers. Keep the content informative, by trying to increase the density of information on the word number. Also, ensure the text is readable by the visitor: easy to read and free of grammar errors.

Finally, you need to start cleaning the existing mess on your web platform; start by removing old low-quality content or try to edit it in such manner that you will enrich it with information and this way making it valuable for the reader. You don’t like wasting your time reading on how to recover from the Panda Update and finding non-informative content; neither the visitor wants to waste his time by reading non-informative content on your website; it is your job to make sure he finds the information he was looking for in your content.

On overall, in order to recover from the Panda Update penalty, the best thing is to focus and invest in quality content, while removing or improving existing low-quality content.

Source by Yasir Khan

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