Some Tips on SEO and Social Media Management

If you’re looking for a way to increase ranking for SEO and social media management priority, here are your best bets: Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. These three social network sites are the most popular among users and business people alike. These are also indexed in SEO, and will help you increase your rankings if you are active enough in these sites. Not only that but also, the number of people you are connected with can help raise your SEO rank. SEO and social media management is not as hard as it seems, it only needs a little effort and a few tips like these:

Know your target network. Take into account that we’re talking about more than half a million people in these big three sites alone, and with that amount of possible connections, you can find a vast sea of potential customers. But I’m not saying you should add everybody. Just because you have an ocean in front of you doesn’t mean you should take the whole thing. You should know what your bait is so you can sift through it to find the right fish. You can search for potential customers using searches aimed at the right people, may it be location, age, and other factors you might want to look into before considering a person a potential customer.

Make sure the social network page you created doesn’t collect dust. Keep on updating your activity online so that users can see that you are productive in creating new ideas for your product. Even through it’s not as important as a new launch, just post about stuff going on in the company like little updates here and there, keeping your name in the newsfeed.

Keep up to date with events going on around you. Even though it’s a business page, that doesn’t mean you can’t post about what’s going on in the world. Just make sure you don’t post any biased opinions on issues, because this may repel some customers who don’t share the same views.

Create conversations in your page like asking your connections about stuff that may help you in business. Since social networking is all about connecting people, you should connect with the people in your network by posting questions that they can respond to so that you can engage in conversation with them. This creates a feel of authenticity when it comes to your website ambience, and a warm welcome to site visitors is always appreciated. Asking for feedback in the site also lets your followers know that you aim to give them better service, enlightens you as to where you lack effort in, and encourages you to create better products. This results in customer loyalty and possible advertising through link shares, increasing success for both SEO and social media management.

Lastly, you can use a social media management tool to monitor your online activity to reduce the effort you put into checking these social media sites. There are free programs that you can download for this purpose, and it’s up to you to choose which one is most suited for you.

Source by Jean T Abapo

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