Tips To Ensure Your Site Is Not Negatively Affected By Future Google Updates

Many SEO experts are making the mistake of waiting for Google’s next big update to make the necessary changes to their search engine optimization strategy. Well, Panda and Penguin updates by Google may have received a lot of publicity but the truth is that Google releases more than 500 to 600 updates to its search engine algorithm on a yearly basis. This means that Google releases at least one update a day to its algorithms.

Are you going to update your search engine optimization strategy on a daily basis? You will find it impossible to attract traffic to your website if you go around making so many changes on a daily basis. The important thing is to understand the logic behind the updates and filters introduced by Google. Once you have a clear idea of what Google expects from you, you can proceed ahead with your SEO and SEM strategy without having to make any short-term changes.

Keep the following factors in mind to make sure that your strategy is not affected by these updates introduced by Google.

Search engine optimization is all about balance. You will have to make sure that your website consists of keyword rich content which will be indexed by the bots of Google. At the same time, you will have to make sure that your content is enhancing the overall experience of the end user of your website.

In most cases, the end-user is fine with keyword enriched content which has been written primarily to enhance search engine ranking. We all know that Google depends on keywords and link building and other such strategies. We do not have any problem with a website introducing keyword rich content even if it sounds slightly odd as long as it enhances our experience.

Now that Google is focusing on the quality of content, you will have to make sure that your readers are happy at all times. However, you will face many long-term problems if you completely ignore keyword research or stop writing content for search engine optimization as well. If necessary, interact with your readers and find ways where you can enhance the ranking of your website without having to resort to such traditional optimization tactics.

Try to introduce variety in the way you communicate with your audience. Stop relying on text alone. Try to have a week where you upload different videos for your audience. You can come up with search engine optimized descriptions for the videos. This will ensure that your audience is happy with interesting and easy to understand content provided in the form of videos. It will also keep search engines happy and will make sure that your rankings remain high.

Be prepared to make mistakes. Adapting your search engine optimization strategy and identifying the right way to proceed is not an easy task. Be prepared for a deep in your ranking. As your experiment succeeds and as you start attracting traffic again, you should see a significant increase in your overall ranking. Be patient and be prepared to experiment. That is the only way you can impress your audience and search engines at the same time.

Source by Yasir Khan

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