Want to Work Online at Home? Then Choose Affiliate Marketing

You may disagree with me, but hear me out….

Most work online at home opportunities are a complete waste of time. I’m still astounded by how many work at home biz opps there are in the back of any classifieds section, whether it be online, in a magazine, or in a print newspaper.

So many of these opportunities are phony. The ones that are real are so low income they are laughable.

To be sure, there are some legit ones. For example, one work online at home opportunity that will be growing in the years ahead is becoming a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants help companies or individuals with tasks like scheduling, answering their email, and other assorted secretarial type functions.

However, the king of all work online at home opportunities is affiliate marketing. But be forewarned. It’s not for the faint of heart.

You don’t get dollars for your time when you choose to do affiliate marketing; you get paid for performance only. Many people hate that notion.

I say anyone who hates that notion isn’t cut out to be an entrepreneur. First, the notion of job security is antiquated, anyway.

Secondly, pay for performance means you have the opportunity to make enormous profits if you push yourself to perform well and, in affiliate marketing, that comes down to educating yourself on a system, developing a plan of attack, and following through consistently.

Embracing a pay for performance mind-set is to adopt a wealthy mind-set. To embrace a paid for time mentality is a scarcity-laden one.

Don’t believe me? One of the best selling wealth books I’ve recently read, called “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,” says the same thing in it.

Rich people like getting paid on performance, because they are willing to perform at a high level; whereas poor people are looking to be paid something for their time.

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, my suggestion to you is to choose affiliate marketing as the ultimate work at home model.

Source by Dan Ho

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