Edit Website Online: It’s Easy, Affordable, and Convenient

Just when you thought the hard part of designing and launching your website was done, you’ve come to realize that maintaining it can be just as equally challenging.

It’s this ongoing concern, and inevitable frustration, that leads many website owners to shell out a ton of cash in order for someone else to make the needed changes they need on their website.

What many website owners don’t know, or are beginning to discover, is that now, you can edit your website yourself, anytime you want, and from anywhere. All by using an online website editor.

But Why Should You Edit A Website Online?

  • It’s the easiest way to edit your website
  • You don’t have to download any software
  • You don’t need any training
  • You don’t need to learn any programming languages, or deal with any code

How Does It Work?

You wont believe it until you try it. And in most cases you can for free. It’s simple. What you get is a way to login to your website, decide what you want to have edited and make your changes directly to the site.

There’s also a little “Edit This Page” link you get, and you can stick it in your browsers tool bar. Anytime you need to make a change to your website, you simple click on that button.

No need to deal with any html code if you don’t want to. No need to download anything. You can make unlimited changes to your site, at anytime, from anywhere, and you don’t have to wait on anyone to get it done for you. You are in control.

Details, Details, Details

Imagine being able to, for the most part, be in full control of your website, without the hassle of refocusing on becoming a technology expert? That’s not why you launched your website, right?

Here are just a some examples of some of the most common changes people make when they edit their website online.

  • Edit text
  • Make links
  • Insert pictures, and videos
  • Add a Google calendar to a website
  • Easily add a social media widget
  • Add Google Analytics to a website
  • Start a blog
  • Launch landing pages

These are just some of the changes that are possible when you edit your website online.

Once you have made your changes, you can preview your changes, and then if all looks well, you click publish.

All of your changes are then live on your website!

What If You Make A Mistake?

Once website owners get past the ability to have such control over their website, the next question is often, is it safe? What is you make a change, and then realize you messed up, or simply want to revert back to an earlier version of your website?

You don’t have to worry. Even if you make a change you end up regretting, the online website editor saves earlier versions of your website, just in case you need to revert back to an earlier version.

You also have the ability to get in touch with a real web designer who can help you with any internet web related issues you run into.

So before, one had to depend fully on a web designer to build and manage their website. It was expensive, and sometimes frustrating and impractical to rely on someone else just to make the many changes a website owner is expected to make on a month to month basis.

Now the best of both worlds is available. You are able to have the control and edit your website online, but you also have the option to contact someone for help.

It’s that simple.

Source by Kyle Graham

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