What The Google Panda Update Means For You

Now that Google Panda is fully in place with more tweaks still to come, site owners are truly starting to take notice. Many decided to wait after the initial update to see if their site’s rank would improve with subsequent updates. When little changed, sites had to finally take the time to understand what the update means for them specifically.

While all sites are different, one thing remains similar – content. All successful sites provide some sort of content. The most successful sites constantly provide useful, relevant information. This is what set them apart when Panda hit. For the most part, they already met all the requirements of what Google considered a high quality website.

In the most basic of terms, Google Panda means your site must now produce content visitors find useful. Obviously, it is a little more complex, but this is the basic premise behind the update. To be more technical, Panda is looking for professionally written content.

Instead of just searching for keywords, Google now takes a long, hard look at grammar, keyword stuffing, article flow and originality. While some sites have one or two, only the highest quality have all four. These are the sites that sit at the top of the search results.

Grammar isn’t usually considered a priority when you put content on your site. If the spell checker doesn’t catch it, then you are ready to publish. However, even if a word is spelled correctly, it doesn’t mean the correct word was used. Even these are considered spelling errors to Google. Now you must add using close to perfect grammar to be taken seriously.

While it was always recommended to only have a set percentage of keywords in your content, many sites published articles full of keywords. Another method was to produce nearly identical articles with keyword variations. These articles are now looked at as duplicates and even keyword overuse.

The entire article should always flow properly. If keywords seem awkward or there is obvious fluff and filler, the article lacks quality and tends to be hard to digest. A good flow helps a reader better understand your content.

Combine all this with the need for original content or at least a unique perspective and you have all the major components of the update covered. If this seems over your head or just too time consuming, professional copywriting may be the saving grace you’ve been looking for.

Professional copywriters only provide the highest quality content. It is always well researched and carefully edited to make sure it helps your website succeed throughout and even after Google Panda.

Source by Julie-Ann Amos

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